Artists who want to make money from their skills must have websites in this digital age. For most artists, the question always revolves around what they should have on their websites once they have set them up. What every artist must have on their social media profile is the following.


When people come to your website, they want to know the kind of content that you produce. If you are an artist, for instance, a photographer, it helps to have a portfolio page so visitors can scan through and understand your style. Musicians and dancers should also consider putting up samples of some of their best works.

About Page

The essence of having a website is to introduce people to who you are and what you do. The importance of an About Me/Us page cannot be overstated. It should be clear and personal so that people feel as though they understand you.


If you want people to reach you to buy your art or engage you for a job, you must have your contact details so that they can reach you easily. You should also have a link to your social media platforms for you to amass a big following.

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